Who Is Mediation Best Suited For?
Mediation is probably best for people who can talk to each other and have not lost all respect for one another. I like to mediate with people who both have decided they want a divorce and that there’s no reason to fight about it. They can work it out that they’re both entitled to the benefits of the marriage and they both are entitled to the liabilities, which includes the debt. They just need some help facilitating that conversation.
Who Do You Represent In Mediation Cases?
Mediators are neutral. We don’t take a side and we don’t represent anybody. I don’t talk to anyone separately. If you email me, you must email the other person. If I email you, I’m going to email the other person. Every document you give me, I’m going to give to the other person. The best part about mediation is that I’m neutral.
What Generally Happens In The Mediation Process?
Normally, I get a call from one of the parties and I offer a free consultation, but they must come in with the other party. I’m not going to talk to one without the other. When I get the two parties here, I tell them about mediation and answer any questions they may have. I’ll be happy to explain the law and how things may be treated in court as well. I give them 15 minutes to talk to one another and tell them what the cost is going to be, and which documents I will prepare. If they agree to sign up, they both give me separate checks, so I can make sure that there’s no claim that I represented one party and not the other party, and then I give them the first assignment.
For more information on Suitability For Mediation Process In NJ, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (973) 869-5444 today.

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